The Devil’s Kiss by Sarwat Chadda

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, I’ll tell you what. I totally loved this book and was ready to go off on that until I read some of the criticisms of the book and that has totally distracted and irritated me. Like the one about Christianity…She says that Chadda twisted Bible characters and their stories and that readers of this book should be aware and not take what he writes as fact. Like, duh! Why would we?? It’s a fantasy book! I think we all know that liberties are taken with historical “facts.” And that’s if you can even consider the Bible and history like the Knights Templar facts. I use the word loosely. (Have I been struck by lightning yet? Nope.)

And then there was the one where she complains that Chadda’s charcter aren’t real. She says that a heroine who is miserable in her life, hates her father, and school because of what they think about her is unreal. It is?? Has this person even read any YA fiction before?? That is basically what it is all about!! AAARGGGG!

(sigh) I guess none of this is really important. The vast majority of people enjoyed this book just like I did. They decided that Chadda’s writing was done well, the plot was pretty good, and while the book may not be perfect–compared to many others, it’s a welcome relief. It just drives me nuts when a good books rating is brought down because of lame reviews. But that’s just one girls opinion! 😉 So, read it! It’s a good book!! (See other good reviews for plot points…I’m tired of typing after my ranting.)”>View all my reviews