So many books, not so much time…

Good afternoon to those of you who actually look at this thing every once and a while! As the title to this post insinuates, there is sooo much to talk about today. Nothing of importance, and probably not even that entertaining, but this is a diary of sorts…so, considering that this is my brain we are documenting…you should have known better. Really. 😉

I was going to rant about Harlequin titles again…about how much the “Mommy Series'” or whatever they are called creep me out. I mean, isn’t the whole point of the romance novel the hot steamy guys?? Why throw a bunch of cherubic looking kids on the cover? I mean, really.

So then I thought, instead of complaining about titles…maybe I should just post the drool worthy ones…So here are a few examples of the hot boys that distract me from my library duties and whatever my coworkers are blathering on about. lol. jk. They’re awesome. But really…I am easily distracted. I have been known to fan myself!!  This Texas Blaze was one from the other day…it just so happened that I walked by and saw it on display…so I couldn’t leave it out.

This next one, Beauty and the Badge (yes, for real) was another yummy one. Plus it gets points for having a creative title. I like anything that takes innocent Disney movies and turns them into porn. 😀

Ok, but for reals…I did find a book today that I thought was interesting…It’s by Kelly Gay and its called Better Part of Darkness. Anyways….just thought I’d mention that. Ok. See everyone later!!

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